Coaching for Parents & Students
From toddlers to teenagers
As we advise parents to choose a school, we go into some depth on :
reading aloud
proper eating habits/exercise
and more.
As children grow older, more topics arise:
homework habits
relationships with peers
learning attitude
If issues are severe, we would always recommend seeing an Educational Psychologist. However, that may be a step too far for many parents.
That's where the Learning Coach comes in. Our Learning Coach, Vannessa, supports parents and students to successfully navigate the challenging and often stressful academic arena in which they find themselves in.
Because children don’t come with their own instruction manual. And, being a parent doesn’t always mean that you automatically or instinctively know what to do.
A Learning Journey
The sessions provide practical hands-on activities in which a parent or both parents / guardians can use with their child.
We aim to support a child’s academic development with compassion, communication and collaboration with no judgement.
As each child’s needs vary at the different stages of development, working within the triangle of TLC support ensures that together, we nurture and sustain a healthy physical, cognitive, emotional and social growth.
About Vannessa Misso Veness
Vannessa is a qualified educational trainer and Learning Coach based in Hong Kong. Vannessa has international experience in classroom teaching – Singapore, Jeju South Korea, and Hong Kong. She has trained international schoolteachers and conducted numerous parent workshops with a strong emphasis on English language development for academic inclusion and excellence.
Vanessa is a Neuro Change Method ® Master Practitioner, an accredited Team Coach with EMCC Global and a parent of one