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How to Eliminate 80% of the risk and apply to just THREE international schools to get ONE offer

Are you feeling that getting your child a spot in their best-fit international school is complicated, competitive and costly? 

Have you been applying to schools and seem to be hitting a brick wall? You choose schools that seem to meet your needs and, yet, no offers? 

Is that you?

You’re not alone. We’ve been supporting parents in Hong Kong to be successful in school admissions since 2012. So, I do have the solution…

SIX Proven Steps to Get into the Best Fit International School

  1. Confirm your Criteria

Too often, parents forget what they want and feel that they need to settle for something else. If you take time to confirm your criteria at the start, you’ll be more likely to stick to what fits.

  1. Clarify your Child’s Ability

You want to be as certain as possible that, once you submit an application and your child is invited for an assessment, your child will pass. To get that far and then get a ‘No’ can be devastating.

  1. Compile your Smart Shortlist

Once you are clear on your criteria AND your child’s ability, you are ready to research which schools fit and which ones are likely to have space when you need it.

  1. Check with the Schools

You’ll want to be sure you understand the admissions and assessment process completely ofor the schools you’re interested in. If you’re applying for a year without additional places, you’ll want to ascertain your child’s chances too.

  1. Complete the Application

This should be the easy bit! Submitting a complete and correct application is not always as straightforward as it may seem, especially when essay questions are required. Ensure your application is as strong as it can be.

  1. Confidently prepare for Assessment

A little preparation goes a long way. NOT lots of tutoring, but some targeted practice where it’s needed so that your child feels confident on the day and you know you’ve done all you can.


These SIX steps are included in our signature program - Successful School Admissions - in our ‘Finding the Fit’ Formula, our proven process. This is how we eliminate 80% of the risk and apply to just THREE schools to get ONE offer. 

Join a FREE Masterclass with Ruth | Register at

Spend THREE hours with me. I’ll take you through the process I’ve been using to support my VIP clients.

I have walked this talk with my own children and supported thousands of parents just like you since 2012. This is NOT an application factory (“Spray & Pray”); this is not admin; it’s STRATEGY that works.

Would you like a strategy that just works?

No more spending hours researching online and compiling beautiful spreadsheets, visiting umpteen schools only to arrive at disappointment.

Save time, money & worry

This is for you if you are genuinely ready to Find the Fit for your child and seeking a preschool, primary or secondary place in 2025 or 2026. 

On Day 1, you’ll make the ONE key decision you need to make early.

On Day 2, you’ll learn how to apply the proven process to create a smart shortlist

On Day 3, you’ll create an Assessment Action Plan.

1 Comment

jake dale
jake dale
Sep 05


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